Sunday, July 24, 2011


I just finished reading Dr. Couch's excellent book "The Birth of the Nation of Israel." This is the first time I have found so much information in such a convenient and beautifully made book. Dr. Couch, you must have your own bindery because the quality and physical execution of this volume is really an expression of excellence and love! … Thank you, whoever makes the book, and thanks to Dr. Couch for this great material about a people who are dear to me and often in my prayers.

Enclosed is a check for another copy to be sent to the address above. Thank you in advance. I think the Lord likes this book! I think it will be one of the resources we will all cherish forever! --V P

Dear VP. We use Logan Graphics of Arlington, TX for our book production. They do an excellent job and we're very proud of the production qualities they put into the volumes. Thanks for the comments. Dr. Mal Couch