Sunday, October 24, 2010


The blessings upon the Europeans is about over. But earlier, here in Genesis 9, Noah made what we call a cryptic prophecy about his son Japheth. Because Ham ridiculed his father Noah for getting drunk, his distant son Canaan would be cursed, by God, "the God of his son Shem." God would "enlarge (or bless) Noah's son Japheth, and he (Japheth) would dwell in the tents of Shem, and Canaan would be his servant" (Gen. 9:25-27).

To dwell in someone's tent is a sign of blessing. This is a broad, cryptic prophecy. By that we mean we cannot see all the implications here in these verses but they have far off consequences and fulfillment. "Cryptic" means that we cannot now see all of the implications of this prophecy but someday it will all make sense.

The Europeans are the descendants of Japheth and they would be the most blessed of the Semites (the Shem-ites), or specifically the people of Israel.

Unger writes:

"The Japhetic line is predicted to enjoy not only expansion in temporal possessions, but spiritual blessings as well. Christianity has had great outreach upon the Japhetic peoples of Europe and America. God's glory, His Shekinah, is another reference to the spiritual blessings on the Israelites as a Shemitic (Semitic) people."

Griffith Thomas adds:

"We know that as a matter of fact the Christian Gentile nations have indeed superseded the family of Shem in religious privileges, and have entered upon their inheritance of spiritual blessing and earthly power. It is at least striking that the political control of human affairs is now in the hands of the Japhetic line."

Henry Morris says:

"Japheth also would appropriate these blessings to himself by enjoying fellowship with Shem. The Japhethites (especially the Greeks, Romans, and later the other Europeans and the Americans) have stressed science and philosophy in their development."

Harold Stigers writes:

"The fact is that the Japhethite nations have been the major beneficiaries of the Gospel in the last two millennia. From these nations, millions have been brought into the house of God through believing in the resurrected Christ. Their widespread habitation of the globe is referred to in the words 'God will enlarge (lit., make it wide to) Japheth.' That the Gospel is meant is the thought to be preferred."

H. C. Leupold goes on:

"The Indo-Europeans or Ayrans, are spread out over vast stretches of territory from India across all Europe and of a later date over the Western Hemisphere. The Japhethites have now very largely come in to share Shem's blessings, for as Gentiles they have been grafted on the good olive tree. Shem's spiritual heritage is ours."

Barnes continues:

"This enlargement of Japheth is the most striking point in the history of Japheth, who is the progenitor of the inhabitants of Europe, and America. The Japhethites have proven themselves capable of rising to the heights of these lofty themes, and have elaborated that noble form of human speech, which was adopted in the providence of God."

The old great scholar John Gill, writing around 1775 said:

"God gave Japheth a large part of the earth, and large dominions in it, as his posterity have had. These vast countries to the north, which were formerly the Sythians, and now the Tartars inhabit; not to say any thing of the new world (America). Many Christian writers interpret them of the conversion of the Gentiles, and Jews, in one Gospel, that is, God shall persuade the Gentiles, the posterity of Japheth, by the Gospel, and through the power of His Gospel, and through the power of His grace accompanying it, to embrace and profess Christ and His Gospel."

The Jewish Rabbis add:

"God shall enlarge Japheth means he is the progenitor of the Indo-European or Aryan peoples, receives the blessing of worldly prosperity and widespread dominion. This is the first of the universal forecasts in Scripture of the day when enmity between nations will be forgotten, and they will unite in acknowledgment of the God of Israel."

The Rabbis are encouraging but in matter of fact, for the moment in history, the blessing is departing from the European nations. They had their chance and they benefited by the Gospel but are now giving it up. The Muslim peoples are now taking over Europe. A war is certain in which the European peoples will be dominated by the Muslims. A terrible time in history is on its way! --Dr. Mal Couch (10/10)