Thursday, September 16, 2010


Our illustrious President is like a little lizard that changes its colors. He is now proposing to give tax breaks to small businesses. This is what Republicans have argued all along. He is using this tactic in order to gain November votes. Do not believe he is "seeing the light." He is not! He is an opportunist who fools people as to what he really believes. He will go back being the socialist and American destroyer he really is after November!

   More and more Bible scholars like me are sounding the alarm. We cannot remain silent or speak about Bible issues only. Remember, everything is spiritual and theological. And what is happening in America is spiritual, and it is evil. And if it is evil, then Bible teachers and pastors must speak out.

   I feel sorry for our President! He and his family were able to take only eight vacations this summer with the cost around $350,000 for each trip. Maybe we should take up a collection to help him with the cost!

   Because of the affluence of Jerusalem during Isaiah's day, God warned of the judgment coming upon it. America has wallowed in prosperity, and danced to the tune of plenty, and now it is time to pay the piper. The reason for their judgment is given in Isaiah 5:13-18.

   Isaiah prophesied Israel would go into exile because of "their lack of knowledge" (v. 13). The people were spiritually famished and morally parched with thirst—therefore, the grave (Sheol) was open to receive them (v. 14). Jerusalem would descend into it (v. 14b). The average man would be humbled and the proud would be abased (v. 15). The Lord would bring judgment "and the holy God would show Himself holy in His righteousness" (v. 16). Finally, "Woe to those who drag iniquity with the cords of falsehood, and tug sin as if with the ropes used to pull carts" (v. 18). America is dragging sin along behind it.

   Part of the problem of America is with its women. They are proud with seductive eyes (3:16). As they walk they tinkle with bangles on their feet (v. 16b). As a judgment the Lord will give them a scalp disease and will make them bald (v. 17). They dress themselves with headdresses, ankle chains, sashes, perfume boxes, nose rings, cloaks, money purses, hand mirrors, turbans and veils (vv. 18-23). God will cause them to go bald, remove their hair, and instead of giving them fine clothes, they will wear sackcloth (v. 24). And when the men fall by the sword, the women will be helpless and will sit deserted on the ground (vv. 25-26).

   For survival, seven women will take hold of one man and say "protective us," and "take away our approach" (4:1). So much for "strong" women and the woman's liberation movement! –Dr. Mal Couch (9/10)