Wednesday, September 8, 2010


On what basis did the majority of the American people vote for Barrack Hussein Obama? What did they not see that so many others of us were well aware of? Those who voted for him were mainly minorities who had no understanding how democracy works that came from the Reformation framework in Europe. All they knew is that they wanted "change." They were not appreciative of what we were blessed with. They wanted more socialism, the freebies and the give-away from the government. Welfare and more welfare, free food and education—this is what often drives them.

Also the younger crowd voted for him because they were brainwashed in the liberal socialistic universities. Those who had no moral compass or conservative thinking, want only what they want! They are governed by self-ism! It is a statistical fact that those who are younger are more liberal and vote Democratic. They see no problem with socialism, abortion, and homosexuality. Many of them despise the confines of Christianity. It is also a known fact that those who are liberal and vote Democratic give but a small amount to charity in comparison to those who vote Republican and who are conservative. Too, Democrats go to church far less than those who are conservative.

While President Bush was certainly not perfect, he was not the one who virtually destroyed America, as the liberals would contend.

All of the above is not simply about politics. These are spiritual issues. Everything we do, every decision we make, has to do with theology. We do not make decisions in a vacuum. We do not vote from a neutral perspective. Morality governs our every decision.

The Word of God reminds us:
"A divine decision is in the lips of the king; his mouth should not err in judgment" (Prov. 16:10), and, "It is an abomination for kings to commit wickedness, for a throne is established on righteousness" (v. 12). "When the righteous increase the people rejoice, but when a wicked man rules, people groan" (29:2). Also, "When the wicked rise, men hide themselves: but when [the wicked] perish, the righteous increase" (28:28).
–Dr. Mal Couch (9/10)