Friday, September 24, 2010


There are those now arguing that the Bible is not meant to be objectively true and accurate. The main point is that one is a seeker, one who is looking how to live a relationship with God, never mind whether the Bible is completely accurate and true. This is the ultimate of foolishness and it smacks of a heretic, Soren Kierkegaard. Kierkegaard said that truth is what one makes it. To be sincere is what counts. Truth does not have to be absolute!

   Now, how can that be? Either something is true or it is not. The Bible states over and over that it is true and that it is truth. How could we follow a faith that is false or that is not interested in truth?

   Most seminaries today are not teaching the students the truthfulness and historical accuracy of the Bible. The education of the average student is sorry at best. This fact of Scripture comes under the category of Bibliology. The Bible is or is not the Word of God and He does not give us falsehood but truth. Here are but a few (among many) verses that speak of the Bible being truth:

   "Speak My word in truth" (Jer. 23:28).
   "He will guide you into all the truth" (John 16:13).
   "Your Word is truth" (John 17:17).
   "I shall be speaking the truth" (Paul) (2 Cor. 11:10).
   "To come to the knowledge of the truth" (1 Tim. 2:4).
   "Handling accurately the Word of truth" (2 Tim. 2:15).
   "Turn their ears away from the truth" (2 Tim. 4:4).
   "Brought us forth by the Word of truth" (James 1:18).
   Do not listen to the fools. They do not know what they are saying! –Dr. Mal Couch (9/10)