Wednesday, October 14, 2009


By the beginning of the twentieth century, the basic objective facts about the global geological catastrophic events that had struck earth were pretty well settled and understood by scientists. Catastrophe meant a massive calamity of hydrologic water action had re-arranged the surface of the earth and wiped out an entire system of biologic life as we know it. 

    Charles Darwin made it clear he would in no way believe in or support the geological findings. He had other evolutionary cohorts who agreed with him because they refused to validate Scripture and the story of the universal flood. 

    The universal catastrophic flood is imprinted all over the geological evidence. Great English, French, and other European scientists had confirmed the evidence from between 1860-1900 with few doubting the data, except those who were giving their very professional lives to mythologize and downplay the Bible. 

    During the last century, theory after theory was postulated in order to cover up the worldwide flood evidence. Uniformitarianism and slow evolution over millions of years was the most popular viewpoint advanced in the sacred halls of science. It dominated up through the 1960s and even remains today. But other views were advanced because the best evidence advocating evolution is terribly shaky with holes and gaps that make no sense when thoroughly tested. Over the past forty or fifty years other views have been postulated, such as: (1) punctuated evolution where species had sudden bursts of change with no gaps in between. (2) the tsunami approach that says a huge wave moved across the continents destroying all “old” life and replacing it with new species, or bringing forward species that survived the geologic holocaust! (Sounds like the Genesis Flood story to me!) 

    It is now clear that the godless scientific world plotted, with the help of Darwin’s theory, to come up with any creative view to debunk the flood story. Though not a Christian, Immanuel Velikovsky picked up the mantel and did an outstanding job in putting down evolution. He did it by going back and bringing forward what was well established in geology as far back as around 1860. He did an outstanding service to biblical Christianity in his books Earth in Upheaval, and Worlds in Collision, but the cover up in the field of geology goes on! Velikovsky was vilified and even a bounty was put on his head! He had to be silenced because he had destroyed the evolutionary sacred cow! 

Darwin purposely worked hard to deny the Flood evidence. Over and over again, he admitted he had no answers in trying to put down the obvious evidence well-known by the true scientific field of that day.