Saturday, May 9, 2009


In the 1950s President Dwight Eisenhower sent back across the border some 13 million illegal foreigners to Mexico in order to make sure there were plenty of jobs for American citizens—who desperately need work following the Korean War. But too, he realized that this was just the right thing to do! It took two years to accomplish. No one in the nation objected because our citizens understood the moral and social problems this was causing.
  President Harry Truman did the same thing just after World War II. He returned some two million illegal strangers in order to create work for the returning veterans. This happened for the first time during the Great Depression of the early 1930s. President Herbert Hoover did the same thing. He "exported" ALL illegal aliens to make room for the American citizens who were disenfranchised from the work force. If we continue flooding our country with those of the Latin culture, over against Europeans, we are watering down the heritage that made this nation great. In fact, for over forty years our nation accepted and understood the need for a European quota of those coming to America.
  These were not prejudicial acts against minorities, but our citizens understood well the facts of history and what formed the background of the beginning of this nation. All individuals are equal before God but all cultures are not equal in morals or values. Again, historical fact is at play here, not prejudicial judgments and attitudes!

   By the way, in early May, President Barack Hussein Obama stopped construction on the border fence between the U.S. and Mexico. This shows his lack of understanding of history and of the social dynamics of where this is all going.
  To know history is the first sign of wisdom! To not know the past is to continue to do stupid things, and that is what is going on in our country.

   By the way, the statistical facts show that the old line: "Illegal law breaking foreigners take the jobs Americans won't take" is an outright lie that is repeated over and over again for political purposes." Surveys show that this is just not true. There is no nation on earth that would allow the violation of its borders, as is going on in America presently! It is being allowed for political reasons—in order to build up the Democratic Party in order to corner the market with large numbers of those who arrived illegally in this country. Everyone knows this is the reason for the silence in Washington about the issue!

   Remember, everything we do, whether it is personal, or national in character, is theological! As an individual, or as a country, all decisions are spiritual and theological in nature. If we do something dumb now, it will have moral or theological consequences down the road.

   Again, what is stated above is not prejudicial. It has to do with the facts of history. I have many minority friends. I accept them on the same Christian basis I want them to accept me. But it is cultural issues that are critical.
  Those who ignore the problems we are sowing for a future generation will someday realize their mistake! – Dr. Mal Couch