Wednesday, May 13, 2009


It amazes me what Christians do not see! There's a biiiiiggg church in the DFW Metroplex area that is clearly into The Emerging (Evolving) Church movement. While all is not heresy YET, there is no question that this is the direction the church will go in time. In their slick publication, there are catch-words that should give clues as to what is happening.

First, the gospel is not mentioned anywhere in the brochure they pass out each Sunday, though it says one time "How you can become a Christian." The semi-charismatic expression "empowerment" is used six times and "encounter" is used three times. The implication is that you have to come to that church in order to "encounter" the Lord and be "empowered" by Him. But what if you don't attend that congregation? You have to also come to that church to be "touched by His presence." When you come, come "expecting God to do something" in your life! When you leave you will be "empowered" to do God's work in your life! I guess you're out of luck if you don't attend there! "Fun and games" is the order of the day in their activities. They say in "our classes there is so much fun" for your children.

For adult singles there is the "Luau" night. They urge you to "Grab your hula skirts and put on your Hawaiian shirts in order to celebrate the beginning of summer." (Sounds rather pagan to me!) There is a prayer focus session so that you can receive "from us our Prayer Tools" in our class. There "we experience the powerful presence of God."

There is the Wacky Week "for the adventure of a lifetime." (The adventure of a whole lifetime? Wow!) Kids can come and join the "Castle of King Jesus." Then there is coming up in October the "Caribbean Cruse" for singles with "fun and relaxing time snorkeling, diving, golfing, river rafting, swimming with stingrays, relaxing on sandy beaches, exploring coral reefs and shopping."

We're not sure what this means but there is "Thrive '09" which features "The Crazy Cycle, the Energizing Cycle and the Rewarded Cycle." Whatever, I'm sure it involves more fun and games!

There is nothing about learning biblical doctrine. Nor is there a warning as to what is coming against believers in a spiritually dying America. There is no hint of the teaching about the return of Christ, the hope of the rapture of the church, or the coming reign of Christ at the end of history. If I am a betting man I would probably guess that they would say such specific truths are too divisive and not understood by the average Christian.

From the fleshly standpoint the size of the church would make the average non-discerning pastor become envious and jealous. But if all of this is measured by what the Word of God requires pastors to do in teaching the flock, what they advertise with Madison Avenue flare, should repel those who are grieving at seeing the death of the church!

Fun and games do indeed bring in numbers. But we're not called to build numbers, we are to teach God's Word in order that the sheep may grow. Though they would not say it openly, the staff would probably argue, "We'll use any method in order to get folks into the church!" But the Scriptures would say the opposite.

Don't let your flesh be tempted. This church is prospering in a physical sense but not in a spiritual sense! – Dr. Mal Couch