USA Today has reported that main stream Christian churches and denominations are shrinking in numbers like a prune. Several years back I told you we were galloping into the Apostasy of the church. Paul said that in the end times there would be "a form of godliness, although they would deny its power" (2 Tim. 3:4). And that just before the rapture of the church, and just at the beginning of the seven year tribulation, men would perish "because they did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved" (2 Thess. 2:10). We are there! The final Apostasy has started! The report goes on and says "Almost All Denominations Losing Ground!" Since 1990 "faith is shifting, drifting or vanishing outright!" "People are either freelancing religiously or dropping their faith entirely—perhaps partially due to the increasing spread of secularism." Secularism is another word for "humanism". Our wisdom has replaced God's ways! Today 15% of Americans do not claim any faith or belief—almost double the 8% in 1990. This is a rejection not of just Christendom but of all religions. Since Christianity is based on the Bible, and there is less and less teaching of doctrine from the pulpit, this is no wonder. This is what I've been saying all along. Many pastors, including some reading this, have gone the fun and game route and are now give mini-sermons, devotionals, musical entertainment, shorter messages, etc. Most pastors reading this have had few or no doctrinal seminary courses, no Hebrew or Greek, and if they did take such studies, they have parked this knowledge at the door of the sanctuary and don't tell the sheep what the Scriptures are really saying. They call the morning service the "worship hour" instead of the "teaching hour" with some worship. They have fallen into what people like: they like weaving, waving, weeping, closed eyes, and never mind what God says in His Word! How stupid! The Reformation and Puritan greats of the past would role over in their graves if they could see the sorry spectacles that go on in our churches today! May God judge those who have repudiated by their actions what God has said in His revelation! Judgment is coming upon the West, and upon America, and upon weak and impotent Christendom. It's all over. There is no turning back. – Dr. Mal Couch |