Friday, February 18, 2011


What is missing in our up-and-coming new culture, that wants change, is wise men. (And Change is not wisdom!) But this generation does not know this! I heard a talk show host say just what I've said the last few months. This generation of those under thirty, and the invading ignorant minorities, want change but not wisdom. And wisdom is not change!

Job understood the problem even in his day. He wrote that "Wisdom is with aged men, with long life is understanding" (Job 12:12). But God can take away wisdom, counsel, and understanding. With Him are "wisdom and might, counsel and understanding" (v. 13). God can tear down and what He destroys cannot be replaced (v. 14); He can send forth flood waters (v. 15), can use the misled (v. 16), make fools of judges (v. 17), take away the strength of kings (v. 18), overthrow those who think they are secure (v. 19), deprive the smart ones of speech (v. 20), take away the discernment of the elders (v. 20b), brings the light from darkness (v. 22), make the nations great (SUCH AS AMERICA) and then destroy them (v. 23), deprive the leaders of the earth from having intelligence (v. 24), and make the intelligent ones stagger like drunks (v. 25).

In other words, GOD IS IN CHARGE! The Lord is the Author of history, and, He is taking it where He wishes it to go!

Job concludes, "Behold, my eye has seen all of this, my ear has heard it all and understands it" (13:1). But America does not. We are swimming in entertainment, fun and games, and have no clue as to where God is leading this world.

—Dr. Mal Couch (2/11)