Thursday, August 14, 2008

One of the Keys to Roman Catholicism: Gold, Glitter, and Marble!

Why are there so many buildings of marble, gold, and glitter at the Vatican in Rome? And why is the eye so pleased with all of the outward show of wealth and power? The answer can be found in the last words of the dying Pope, Nicholas V, spoken around 1450. He set forth the principle that would attract people to Catholicism and it would not be doctrine or the truth about theology. Instead, he said:
A popular faith, sustained only by doctrine and teaching, will never be anything but feeble and vacillating. But if the authority of the Holy See of Catholicism were visibly displayed in majestic buildings, imperishable memorials, and outward marble witnesses, seemingly planted by the Hand of God Himself, faith and belief would grow and strengthen like a tradition from one generation to another, and all the world would accept and revere it. Noble buildings and edifices, combining glory, taste and beauty, with imposing proportions, would immediately lead to the exaltation of the Chair of the Pope, the Chair of St. Peter."
In other words, by the gold and glitter you can make people think you have the truth and that you have the blessing of God. People are impressed by the eye-gate and not by the truth filling the heart and soul! Satan is smart and he knows how to control and fool people!
Dr. Mal Couch