Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Obama and Dispensationalism

Barack Obama was recently recorded as blasting the Scriptures! He clearly does not understand how the Word of God came together. And, he shows by his lack of knowledge the importance of interpreting the Bible dispensationally. He was recorded as saying that we cannot interpret the Scriptures too closely. As an example, he referred to the Old Testament in regard to stoning and to slavery. "Therefore, we cannot say that our country is built on the Bible because these views are endorsed in the OT!" Then he used the Sermon on the Mount and the issue of having peace with one another to argue against war and our military.
If one does not understand the dispensational shifts in Scripture from Law to Grace, such abuse can be thrown at the OT. Only dispensationalists fully understand the change from one dispensation to another! The Law failed because of human flesh. Paul says "it was weak through the flesh!" Obama has not done his biblical homework. And this was not his old "wayward" pastor speaking, it was his own views uttered in pure ignorance!
"Voter beware!"
Dr. Mal Couch