Thursday, December 16, 2010


You need to prepare for "Things to Come" because we are facing some terrible economic issues that are indeed leading us to preparations for The Gathering Storm of troubles prior to the rapture of the church and the arrival of the seven year period of tribulation.

But don't forget—God is the Author of history. He is taking us where He wants us to go, and, Israel is at the center of His plans and purposes. In Daniel 10:21 the Lord says "I will tell you what is inscribed in the writing of truth." The writing of truth is the Word of God which shows God's plans and purposes for man and the earth in time and in eternity. These decrees and plans are truth, things that are realities and shall unfailingly come to pass, having been predetermined by God (John 17:17), Unger says.

He adds, "The reason those events are handled in such detail is based on the principle that Scripture deals with secular history only as it is connected with the Lord's elect people Israel." --Dr. Mal Couch (12/10)