Saturday, December 4, 2010

Hebrew Word Study

The sons of Tobiah are mentioned in Ezra 2:60. We know little of this personality. Others may have also been named Tobiah.

   The name means "God is good." The Tob or Tov means "good" in Hebrew and the "iah" is part of the name of God "The EverExisting One." Thus, "God who is the EverExisting One is good!" Goodness is one of the attributes of the Lord.

   The word for grace is Ch'an. It means "to show favor, give pleasure, be kind, to protect." In fact, the word to put up a protective encampment has the word grace in it. You are gracious if you put up a camp that gives protection. The name Hannah has the word grace in it: Han, or Ch'an. To be friendly or kind is to be gracious: Ch'an'uh. "God is gracious (kind) and compassionate and righteous" (Psa. 112:4).

   Che'Nam means to receive something good undeservedly, without payment, or without compensation. Jacob said to Esau: "Please take my gift because God has dealt graciously (shown undeserved kindness) with me, and because I have plenty. Thus Jacob urged him and Esau took the gift" (Gen. 33:11).     —Dr. Mal Couch (12/10)