Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Many leaders in the Republican Party are now calling for a "wider tent" for the Party in order to include liberals who espouse same-sex marriage, abortion, and more socialism in order to please the larger general population. They also want the Party to become Mexican friendly in order to be on the side of those advocating open doors for illegal foreigners to have a free ride coming into this country. They are to have given them without challenge, free schooling and medical care, driver licenses, and other social free goodies. The new Republican voices want to get rid of the leadership of the "old guys" such as Carl Rowe who stand for common sense, wisdom, and experience. They want the younger crowd to be heard who have newer and fresher ideas!

   In other words, they want the Republican Party to be like the Democratic Party, liberal and immoral, on its social positions in America.

   This will probably work! Since the nation is becoming more immoral--to carry out these strategies will indeed probably make the Party more popular! To take a stand against morality, and hold a position for socialism, is the way of the world. By the way, to include the younger crowd means to turn toward liberalism. That's what the younger generation stands for! About 45% of those who claim to be born again Christians see no problem with same-sex marriage and abortion. Our liberal, socialistic state government schools have done a number on those coming up through the ranks. The younger crowd has been brainwashed to believe what they were taught in the classrooms!

   So, good bye Republican Party as we have known it. Hello raw liberalism. We are galloping into the apostasy and there will be no turning back! – Dr. Mal Couch