Friday, August 15, 2008

Christian America Better Wake Up!

I do not believe Christians in this country realize how tenuous things are in our nation today. We are moving rapidly into the apostasy of the church, but too, things are shifting so quickly in all areas! Believers in Christ need to wake up and warn our people where all of this is going.

I do not think most pastors "get it"! They are deep in sleep and are not aware of the world situation. Christians need to think long and hard as to whom they vote for this Fall. We need to pray and ask for forgiveness for our materialism and lack of appreciation for this great God-given nation. We may just get the President we deserve!

By the way, in about thirty years, the European, Calvinistic base of America will be gone. In social demographics we will not be the same country. Other cultures do not share that heritage. In thirty years, by numbers, other cultures will dominate. We will have handed the land over to unsympathetic social groups. It will be a different nation! And all the things that established this country, socially, spiritually, culturally, will be wiped away! (It is virtually gone already!)

Many of you reading these words will not understand what I am writing about because you lack a solid understanding of American history. Remember the old saying, those who do not know their heritage will certainly lose it! I do not believe our prayers will be answered in a positive way, though we should pray. We are certain for judgment because we squandered what was given to us. In my opinion, there is no turning back!

Nehemiah 8 is a most interesting chapter in the OT. The people who had returned back to the Holy Land from Babylon had forgotten the Law. They spend several days having it read to them by Ezra. The people "understood the reading" and fell into deep conviction. The people began to weep and cry. They "understood the words which had been made known to them" (v. 12). The congregation began to rejoice with the Law of God read daily "from the first day to the last day."

But this could not happen today in America. We have cut ourselves off from the Scriptures. It has no meaning to this younger generation; in fact, it is repudiated and scorned! Without the Bible, there is no divine authority to return to! If there is any benefit that will come out of all of this, it is that we will be made stronger by the persecution and ostracizing that will come upon us.

Dr. Mal Couch