Monday, April 6, 2009


  President Barack Hussain Obama insulted our strongest ally this last week. When British Prime Minister Gordon Brown came to the White House, Obama did not give him a joint Rose Garden press conference that has been a tradition for decades. He refused to say to the Prime Minister that we have a decades-old tradition "special relationship" with England, instead he simply referred to our "special partnership."

   Brown gave to the President the 8 volume set of Winston Churchill's life; Obama gave to him a set of DVDs of American films, including "Psycho." When Obama first saw a bust of Churchill in the Oval Office he said "Get that g-d_____ thing out of here!" One historian said of the President's actions, "This was a stunning posthumous attack on the memory of a man who was not only the living embodiment of the Anglo-American special relationship (Churchill was half American)," but also an action against the ties of the Anglo relationship that made America what it is. The Calvinistic Puritans first came to this land and brought Christianity and peace to these shores. This is not to say that they were perfect; they were not! But God worked wonders through them by which the greatest nation of history was established.

   Though Obama went to Harvard, he must have had sorry professors in history who did not share with him the truth as to how this nation came to be. Someone has well said that the 8-volumes on Churchill will sit on the White House bookshelves and certainly go unread during this presidency.

   The London Daily Telegraph sadly said, "Obama has been rudeness personified toward Britain."

   The two cultures that are growing rapidly in this country will certainly have no clue what this is all about. Nor will those under thirty who were so quick to want "change" in America. Only (some) Christians, and conservatives, who have some smarts will understand how quickly America is being destroyed!

   Those of us who know history, and know our Bible, knew this was the way things would go when this man got into office! We were right! – Dr. Mal Couch