Friday, January 11, 2008

Mitt and Mormonism

There is much to do about Mitt Romney and the presidential elections coming up next year. I personally do not believe as a Mormon he would subvert the government of the U.S. but I have problems with the insights of one who would lead this nation and who holds to Mormonism. One point of interest, there are three Romneys who played a key part in the early development of that religion: Miles Romney (born in 1843), Miles Park Romney, and Marion George Romney. Their names and influence are all documented in Wallace Turner’s book The Mormon Establishment (1966, Houghton Mifflin). Are these Mormon founders relatives of Mitt Romney? If someone knows please forward to me the documentation.

At the last count Mormonism departs from biblical, textual Christianity in about one thousand ways. Below are but a few quotes from the Mormon writings that give me great concern:

Satan, the Brother of Christ?

Part of Joseph Smith’s 1830 book Pearl of Great Price, is given over to a section called "Book of Moses." In part 5:13, Satan is clearly called a son of God, brother of Christ and to all mankind. He rebelled when his plan promising compulsory, universal salvation was rejected by God (part 4:1-4). The first polygamist was Lamech who covenanted with Satan (5:49) and did not keep God’s command (5:52).

Satan was also a pre-existent spirit creation of the male and female earth gods, thus Jesus must be considered his relative. They are considered as "blood" brothers! Satan was considered as a spirit child of the Mormon earth god "Elohim." They are brothers to mankind and also to Christ "in the same sense that we are." (See J. H. Evans, An American Prophet, 1933)

Mormon Underwear

All pious Mormons wear what they call "magical" underwear. This garment is all-magical and all-protective, keeping Mormons from harm if they are living the gospel of the Latter-Day Saints. The garment must be worn against the skin. When the dirty pair is removed it is only taken off piecemeal, one leg at a time, while the new clean pair is put on. This way, the person does not lose contact with its power!

In a 1916 message from the First Presidency (of the Mormon organization) to the elite corps of Temple Mormons, the reminder was given that they could wear "only the approved pattern" of the underwear, and that it must be "worn as intended down to the wrists and ankles, and around the neck." Later, in 1923, to allow for some change, they were permitted to wear a two-piece pair of the magical garment. (See the Mormon book: Messages of the First [Mormon] Presidency by J. R. Clark, 1971, Vol. 5, p. 110)

Jesus Christ

Christ is a "saved" being. As a spirit offspring of the male and female earth gods, He had to earn His salvation. The Mormon president McConkie writes: "Jesus Christ is the Son of God ... He came to earth to work out His own salvation." (McConkie, Doctrinal New Testament Commentary, Vol. 3, p. 238) Further, he said: "By obedience and devotion to the truth, He attained that pinnacle of intelligence which ranked Him as a God." (Mormon Doctrine, p. 129) President McConkie then added: "Christ is a saved being." (Ibid, p. 257)


These and so many other teachings that counter the revealed Word of God, both the Old and New Testaments, are repugnant to those who study and know with intelligence the Bible. It is one thing to have shades of differences in belief, it is another thing to demean and deny blatantly what Scripture so clearly teaches!