Friday, November 20, 2009


There is a turmoil going on at the campus of The University of North Texas in Dallas. The student body is voting on whether to allow homosexuals to be both the King and Queen at the Home Coming games. This is not the Texas I was raised up in! The administration is chicken liver and has no power to say "no" to such an abominable situation. The adults are no longer in charge of the school.

   This reminds me of what either did happen, or would happen, during the tribulation in Israel as recorded in Isaiah 3.

   God said "I will make mere lads (teens) the princes of the nation, and capricious children will rule over them" (v. 4). The people will cave in to sin: "And the people will be oppressed, each one by another and each one by his neighbor; the youth will storm against the elder, and the inferior against the honorable" (v. 5). They will have a smirk on their faces: "The expression of their faces bears witness against them. And they display their sin like Sodom; they do not even conceive it [or understand what they are doing]. Woe to them!" (v. 9).

   And, "O My people! Their oppressors are children, and WOMEN WILL RULE OVER THEM. O My people! Those who guide you lead you astray, and confuse the direction of your paths" (v. 12). Thus, "The Lord will enter into judgment with the elders and princes (rulers) of the people" (v. 14). Unger says this is prophetic about Israel's future, and, it certainly forecasts probably what will happen too in the Gentile nations:

   "This shows that Israel's sins and chastisement, here outlined prophetically, prefigure her sins that will bring on her Tribulation trials and testings in 'the time of Jacob's trouble,'" the seven year period of the Wrath of God! This is "identically described (2:6-22), preceding Kingdom blessing."

   This reminds me of this saying:

   We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and inverted our values.
   We confess that we have ridiculed the absolute truth of your Word and called it more pluralism.
   We have worshipped other gods and called it multiculturalism.
   We have endorsed perversion and called it alternative lifestyle.
   We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare.
   We have killed our unborn and called it choice.
   We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self-esteem.
   We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of expression.
   We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called it enlightenment.

 – Mal Couch (Nov., 09)