Tuesday, March 6, 2012


I have been told that many of my books published by Scofield Ministries are blessing many pastors and missionaries here in the States and even in Europe, especially in Germany. This is very encouraging. In that country many are fighting the issue of Inerrancy with the German accreditation that schools have to get with the approval of the State. Many of you know that I fought almost alone the State of Texas over the issue of accreditation. I'm sure the subject of Inerrancy was part of the battle as it is now in Germany. It just happens that my masters thesis in graduate school was on this subject.

I may be publishing a book on the subject of Inerrancy and the Bible. If you are interested in receiving a copy please send us your address and we'll fire off a volume when it is finished. This is one of the most important subjects for Evangelicals to get straight in their minds. --Dr. Mal Couch (drcouch@scofieldprophecystudies.org) (3/12)