One of the great problems among believers is when a so-called friend in Christ turns against you. And very often, when you have done nothing wrong to them. Too, sometimes they will not tell you what the problem is. They treat you worse than an unbeliever would.
Carnality, fleshliness raises its ugly head. What is amazing is they do not see themselves, they avoid their own sins.
We have been studying the book of Romans and I have been amazed how in Paul's list of depravity, that we often attribute only to the lost, we find Christians practicing the same sins. For example, Paul warns of: evil, wickedness, strife, deceit, envy, malice, slander, arrogance, unloving, and being unmerciful (Rom. 1:29-31). Sounds like some Christian brothers who break fellowship and who then go to war with their fellow brother in Christ!
What is most interesting is the fact that they refuse to say what is wrong. They just sneak off into the night and turn against the other brother without any explanation. I have seen this is one of the most prevalent sins among the children of God.
Watch out for these types. They will cut your liver out! By the way, I have found too that in time, they see the light and come back and apologize. The Spirit of God finally gets through and brings conviction. But often it is too late. The pain has done its dirty deed! --Dr. Mal Couch (2/12)