Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Southern Baptist pastor Jared Moore has written a study guide to the Harry Potter movies and books. Moore, is a graduate of Liberty University, a conservative school started by Jerry Falwell. I knew a few years back that Liberty would go liberal. While this does not prove the same it shows that the graduates are not getting the biblical education they should be receiving in order to properly defend the faith from error. And Harry Potter is the epitome of witchcraft error!

The book is actually called "The Harry Potter Bible Study." It is published by the Associated Baptist Press, and while there are some conservative warnings in the publication this is only half true. There are many things in the booklet that are spiritually misleading to youngsters. The Harry Potter series represent the "unfruitful works of darkness." Children should not be exposed to any of the material that can be so seductive. This is further a picture of the sign of the times! --Dr. Mal Couch (1/12)