Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Even the secular scientific world gets it—about the brain, that is. They write: "The human brain is the most complex entity in the observable universe. Hundreds of billions of small nerve cells called neurons communicate with each other by releasing tiny quantities of chemicals, called neurontransmitters. Our critical mental capacities depend on an orderly system of chemical communications among the neurons of our brain." (Psychiatric Drugs. Drs. Stuart Yudofsky, Robert Hales, Tom Ferguson)

God has made man so unique. And this is what the Bible tells us. We are at the top of the creative ladder. Our creative genius is unexplainable, apart from what the Scriptures tell us! And yet it is corrupted by sin. It is all observable in science but also in the Bible. Only the redemption found in Christ can make the difference, just as the Word of God tells us! --Dr. Mal Couch (11/10)