Friday, June 18, 2010


The news recently reported about a sixteen year old girl who tried to sail around the world alone. She said "her parents were worried but were still behind her and allowed her to try." She added, "It was great my parents let me do this. It's really exciting! They were willing to let me go."

   Instead of her parents being parents, they became simply "facilitators," ready to sacrifice her for the independence we think kids should have today. This is madness! Her boat almost sank; it was torn apart by storms, but by a close call, they found her!

   People today are afraid to be dogmatic and tell their kids "no!" In fact, these parents were probably even proud about her effort. Girls are girls and they are not men! But even for a teenage son, the idea would certainly be crazy!

   Today, people are doing things simply because they can do them. Common sense is tossed to the wind. – Dr. Mal Couch (6-10)