Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Conservatism has its roots in the principles laid out in Scripture. At the base, conservatism clings to eternal rules and principles. Morality is always the same—what is right does not change. And what is right really does not come from the soul of humanity but from the laws of God. While conservatives can slip and fall, there is always something firm to go back to. The conservative confesses, apologizes, and returns to the ever tried-and-true directives laid out in the Bible.

That is all now put to rest. The conservative Republican Party will never again be in power. The mind-set of the younger American has been changed. The illegal foreigners got to America illegally in order to receive the American bounty without labor. They know how their bread was buttered—by the Democratic Party. Socialism is going to give them everything they need and want—at no charge to them, thank you, but paid for by others who work hard and believe in the eternal principles of right and wrong!

The apostle Paul laid out the seeds of democracy many generations ago when he wrote:

Follow our example. We did not act in an undisciplined manner among you, nor did we eat anyone's bread, without paying for it, but with labor and hardship we kept working night and day so that we might not be a burden to any of you. … If anyone will not work, neither let him eat. … We exhort [them] in the Lord Jesus Christ to work in quiet fashion and eat their own bread" (2 Thess. 3:6-12).

Though this command was stated for the Christian community, the principle is the same for what one would do in the culture!

America has turned the corner into socialism, just as Europe did many decades ago. In the so-called free bailout now being forced upon the nation by the socialistic Democratic Congress, they have included millions of dollars going to free contraceptives, mainly to be given out to the illegal foreigners and minorities. In other words, morality is no longer controlled by the individual but by the government. And the government is going to open the door for many, many more to live immorally but not to have to face their own consequences. Medicaid free-bees will be increased, which means that the people who earn less will now have more free amenities and free health care. This will blunt personal responsibility and give such folks a free ride without sacrifice and work. No more will Americans be required to struggle and fight for what they need and want. It is all guaranteed by the government!

And again, as a reminder, those who are getting the free ride will all vote for the Democratic Party that provided it all. So long, Republican Party! Hello, American socialism! –Dr. Mal Couch