Saturday, January 6, 2007

Fifty-Eight Reasons That Explain Why the Jews Are God's People and That the Holy Land Belongs to Them

1. The Abrahamic Covenant, Gen. 12:1-3

2. Land to possess and inherit, Num. 33:53-54

3. The land is an everlasting possession, Gen. 17:8

4. God was with Abraham in all that he did, Gen. 21:22

5. Land of your possession, Joshua 22:4

6. God promised to take care of Jacob’s children, Gen. 50:24-25

7. Land of Israel (“To strive with God”), Ezek. 12:19; Matt. 2:20

8. Israel’s own land, Ezek. 36:24

9. My land, Ezek. 36:5

10. I will place you in your own land, Ezek. 37:14

11. Land I have given to your forefathers, Ezek. 36:28

12. Desolate land will become like the garden of Eden, Ezek. 36:35

13. God’s dwelling place will be with the Jews in the land, Ezek. 37:27

14. God’s sanctuary will be in their midst, Ezek. 37:26-28

15. God will dwell in the midst of Israel, Ezek. 37:27

16. God will sanctify Israel, Ezek. 37:28

17. God has made Israel the center of the world, Ezek. 38:12

18. The Land will be restored from the sword, Ezek. 38:8

19. The sons of Israel will be re-gathered and placed again in their own land, Ezek. 37:21

20. One King, the Messiah, will rule over Israel, Ezek. 37:22

21. The Jews will be God’s people and He will be their God, Ezek. 37:23

22. Israel has endured the insults of the nations – His wrath is coming, Ezek.36:6

23. The Lord’s anger will restore Israel, Jer. 30:24

24. Israel’s fortunes are to be restored, Jer. 30:3

25. Israel’s health will be restored, Jer. 30:17

26. The Messiah will reign in the middle of the Jewish people, Jer. 30:21

27. The city of Jerusalem will be rebuilt after the tribulation, Jer. 30:18

28. The Jews will be saved following the worldwide tribulation, Jer. 30:7

29. Israel will be God’s sheep again, Jer. 31:10

30. Israel will be ransomed, Jer. 31:11

31. Israel will be like jewels in a crown, Zech. 9:16

32. God will defend Israel in the final days, Zech. 9:15

33. The final tribulation battle will be terrible, Zech. 14:11-13

34. Israel will turn to her Messiah, Zech. 12:10

35. The Lord will fight for Israel, Zech. 14:3

36. The Lord God, the Messiah, will come to the Mt. of Olives, Zech. 14:4; Acts 1:11

37. Christ will reign over Israel, Luke 1:31-33

38. Christ will redeem, bring salvation, to Israel in history, Luke 1:67-71

39. God has promised to keep His Holy Covenant with Israel, Luke 1:72-75

40. Israel is called the Promised Land given by God’s oath, Num. 14:16

41. Jerusalem is the Holy Mountain, Isa. 57:13

42. His Holy Mountain, Ps. 48:1

43. Jerusalem is the Holy City, Dan. 9:24; 11:45

44. The land is the Holy Land, Zech. 2:12

45. Israel is the Holy Place, Dan. 9:24

46. The land is the Beautiful Land, Dan. 11:41

47. [Jerusalem] is the City of the Great King, Matt. 5:35; Ps. 48:1-2

48. “ is the City of our God, Ps. 48:1

49. “ is the City of the Lord of Hosts, Ps. 48:8

50. Mt. Zion – will be the Joy of the whole earth, Ps. 48:2

51. The Messiah, the Deliverer, will someday come to Zion, Rom. 11:26-27

52. The Jews are still beloved in God’s sight, Rom. 11:28-29

53. God will not remain quiet about restoring Jerusalem, Isa. 62:1

54. The nations will see God’s work of righteousness in Israel, Isa. 62:2

55. The Jews will no longer be called “Forsaken,” Isa. 62:4

56. The Land will no longer be called “Desolate,” Isa. 62:4

57. The Land will be called “Married” as married to God, Isa. 62:4

58. Jerusalem will be created for rejoicing, Isa. 65:18-19

-- Dr. Mal Couch