Tuesday, December 28, 2010


The Word of God uses the expression "the dogs" to describe homosexuals, in both the Old and the New Testaments. This may be one of the last times this can be mentioned online because the government is coming against anything we say about Sodomy. The issue of course is the inspiration and authority of the Bible. It is not about us; it is about the Word of God, and, what the Lord says on the subject.

Homosexuality is first mentioned in Genesis 18-19, with the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. This sin was "an outcry" that came up before the Lord (18:21). The evil of the Sodomites was "indeed great, and their sin is exceedingly grave" (v. 20). All ages of "all of the people from every quarter" were "acting wickedly" (19:4-6). God determined to "punish the city" (v. 15) and "destroy this place" (v. 13).

The women in Jeremiah's day became so sinful they were compared as being worse with their iniquity "than the sin of Sodom" which God overthrew "as in a moment" (Lam. 4:6). The people of Isaiah's day was flaunted like the people of Sodom "for they brought evil on themselves" (Isa. 3:9). Even in Job's day there were "cult prostitutes" who were more than likely same-sex homosexuals offering themselves to same-sex takers in the temples that were set aside to the gods of the pagan people in Job's day (Job 36:14).

In Rehoboam's day there were "male prostitutes in the land" which was one of the "abominations of the nations" that God hated because it was tempting His people in Judah (1 Kings 14:24). Abijah later had such men "put away from the land" (15:12). It was worse in Josiah's day. We read: He "broke down the houses of the male cult prostitutes which were in the house of the Lord, where the women were weaving hangings for the Asherah" (2 Kings 23:7). The tapestries the women were making were for the temple goddesses who were the sex goddesses the people were worshiping. Josiah had these sexually perverted men and women killed and their bones "filled the places where the Asherim idols (the phallic goddesses) were displayed (v. 14).

The nation of Judah was seething with the sexual displays of the pagan cultures. This reminds us today of America where sex, and homosexuality, is virtually worshiped by the American younger generation!

In America, and the rest of the world, there is a judgment being stored up for "the great day" of wrath that will fall upon the workers of evil (Jude 6-7) which is "Just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities around them, since they in the same way as these indulged in gross immorality and went after strange flesh, are exhibited as an example in undergoing the punishment of eternal fire."

This may fall upon us more quickly than we can imagine!

Peter also reminds us that the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah will be judged. These homosexual sins are part of ungodliness (v. 6) and they are the expressions "by the examples of those who would live ungodly in [the] sensual conduct of unprincipled men" (v. 7). Such men stand "under punishment for the day of judgment" (v. 9). Such men "despise authority and are self-willed" (v. 10).

The homosexuals are the "dogs" and are "the immoral persons" who will never enter for everlasting life the blessed and eternal new city of Jerusalem (Rev. 22:14-15). --Dr. Mal Couch (12/10)