Saturday, October 16, 2010


Every one needs to get the book by Dinesh D'Souza "The Roots of Obama's Rage" (Regency Publishing). Get it before the election time in November! This is the most revealing book ever about our President and his background. There is so much here that I won't even try to describe all the content of the volume. But it is indeed an eye-opener.

   It is also a frightening book. Because it tells us about the rewriting of history by those on the left. And it describes why Obama is so dangerous to our American freedom. Or you can get a summary of the book by getting a copy of the September 27th issue of Forbes Magazine. I need not tell you how to vote. It will be obvious if you read this material! How we got here is a mystery from the human level. From the level of the sovereignty of God, we can see the judgment from Him in the placing of this man in office.

   Some may criticize me for recommending what looks like a political book. But remember, everything is spiritual and theological. And God is in charge of His world. What is happening is a spiritual judgment upon this nation, and upon the world. Get the book! --Dr. Mal Couch (10/10)