Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Some try to use Revelation 5:10 to say that we are in the millennial kingdom presently but that is not what John the apostle is writing about. His first reference about us and a kingdom is found in Revelation 1:6. "God has made us a kingdom, priests to His God and Father." Believers are "a" kingdom, not "the" millennial kingdom. And that kingdom is specific, that is, it has to do with a realm of priests who minister to the Lord and who represent Him to the world. Those who are priests will continue that ministry on into the kingdom as stated in 5:10. "They will reign [also] upon the earth." This work of the priesthood is carried on in Christ's millennial rule.

   Those who become believers and are martyred during the tribulation will "be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with Him for a thousand years" (20:6).

   Thus, the tribulation saints, or the present saints of the Church era, are a kingdom. We (and they) are "a kingdom OF PRIESTS." Not simply a "kingdom." We are a collection, an assembly of priests, who represent the Lord and presently serve Him.

   As I always say when interpreting the Bible, "Keep the lines straight!" Don't go off into orbit and make connections that do not fit together!

   Christ's millennial kingdom is yet future. Christ said in Revelation 3:21, "He who overcomes (actually goes against the tug of sin and becomes a believer), I WILL grant (future) to sit down with Me on My throne (the millennial throne), as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne (presently)."     --Dr. Mal Couch  (7/10)