Sunday, October 11, 2009


What an outstanding verse of Scripture: Isaiah 57:11. The prophet asks the Jews, what is their problem in that they seem to fear others and ignore God! The passage reads:

Of whom were you worried and fearful,
when you lied, and did not remember Me,
nor give Me a thought?
Was I not silent even for a long time so you
did not fear Me?

The Rabbis say: "Certainly it was not of Me! There was nothing to deter them from pursuing their evil course, since no fear of God stood in the way! The Lord did nothing to His own people but bless them!"

   Unger adds: "The Lord confronted His people, Israel, with this question: Of whom were they so afraid and terrified that they would deny Him? They denied Him by lying, that is, dissenting and playing the hypocrite, pretending to trust God, but so frequently leaning upon someone else, either Egypt, or like Ahaz, Assyria! They construed the silence of their God as indifference, rather than a manifestation of His longsuffering, and therefore ceased to fear Him."

   This is America today. God's silence seems to throw the doubters off! But He is not impotent! All that is happening in our day is leading to something! – Dr. Mal Couch (Oct., 09)